Kiara Frith

B. Physiotherapy


Kiara originally wanted to become a vet, but her teacher told her she wasn't good enough at science. A heart to heart with her mum, a nurse, who, knowing Kiara’s interest in sport, felt that physiotherapy might be an option. This led to a week of work experience at the local physio practice.

Kiara was fascinated in the variety of ways Physiotherapy can have an impact. During that week, one patient in particular, a young man with a knee injury, piqued her interest. The patient was struggling to walk when he first came into the practice, but by the end of his session he was able to walk normally. Seeing how much this had helped this man made Kiara want to have a similar impact on people's lives.

This practice also gave Kiara her first introduction to Pilates, giving her insight into the specific coordination and muscle control required, similar to that of swimming, Kiara’s favourite sport. This inspired her to pursue a career in physiotherapy.

 Once enrolled in physiotherapy, Kiara discovered that problem solving through identifying deficits and establishing a treatment plan to address those deficits was very rewarding. She also found she enjoyed the connection that arose from learning people's stories.

Kiara completed her physiotherapy degree (a science-based degree, go figure!) at Charles Sturt University in Orange, and undertook the graduate program here at Bathurst Physiotherapy. She is currently completing a Masters in Musculoskeletal Health. She also has an interest in clinical Pilates and dance physio. Kiara aims to continue striving to become the best physiotherapist she can be.

When not at work - Kiara enjoys attending country music shows, and going away with her partner and dogs.