Jon Garner

B. Exercise & Sport Science

B. Physiotherapy

Ph.D Candidate


Jon embarked on an unexpected journey by accepting an apprenticeship in plumbing, followed by a few days later an offer to study physiotherapy. Following on from a degree in sport science, his desire to explore the intricate workings of the human body led him to pursue a degree in physiotherapy at the University of East London.

Graduating with a first-class honours degree, Jon completed his junior rotations within East London, and emigrated to Australia in 2009, moving to the Bathurst area, with his wife. He has extensive experience across public and private sectors with a focus on rehabilitation working with neurological conditions, movement disorders and healthy aging.

Jon's commitment to continuous learning and professional growth is evident in his academic achievements. He holds a master's degree from James Cook University, where he honed his expertise in rehabilitation. Currently, Jon is immersed in his pursuit of a Ph.D., delving into the circumstances surrounding falls in tactical personnel. His research aims to shed light on this critical issue and contribute to strategies for prevention.

Throughout his academic journey, Jon's fascination with movement deepened, propelling him to specialise in neurological subjects and chronic conditions. With a wealth of experience in rehabilitation following injuries and a keen understanding of the impact of neurological conditions on movement, Jon has become a sought-after teacher and mentor in these domains. Teaching on courses locally and presenting at regional and national professional events.

Beyond his academic endeavours, Jon is known for his dedication and empathetic approach to helping others. His extensive knowledge and practical experience make him a trusted resource for individuals seeking guidance on optimising movement, recovering from injuries, or managing neurological conditions.